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The mission of PUNDIX is to enable digital currencies to be more accessible to more people across the borders and further increase the utility of digital currencies.

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Publish applications on Pundi device

Publish applications on Pundi XPOS device

Based on Android 7.0, Pundi XPOS has its own application store. The developers can publish applications targeting retailers, such as cryptocurrency transactions, wallets, financial or insurance services, membership or loyalty program, delivery management, and more to cater needs in different countries.

Publish an app on Pundi XPOS app store requires PUNDIX tokens and PUNDIX is a default token to settle the payment within the application. Depending on the different type of developers, we charge up to 30% of handling fee in PUNDIX. The Pundi X contract will burn this kind of PUNDIX tokens.



PURSE is Pundi X Reward token. It can be used as loyalty awards. It will encourage the consumers to use Pundi X to make purchases. It also helps store owners to increase the revenue and customer satisfaction and further increase Pundi X's business network.


PUNDIX Token Flow

SupplyDemandPurchase duringICOPurchase fromExchangeUnlocked tokensToken Release SchemePUNDIX TokenSelect POS Location to promoteSet up selling priceSet up timeframePrepaid service charges in PUNDIXEscrow cryptocurrency inToken PoolBank AccountCrypto TraderCrypto DeveloperTrader Platform(Selling via Pundi X)POSPOSPOSPOSPOSPOSNetworkPundi XEcosystemEthereumBlockchainCommunication LayerDeduct PUNDIXPrepaid PUNDIX AccountToken PoolSettlement systemPurchaseFill in theapplication formReturn the moneyMake PaymentMatching the rate andlock the transactionSend Request to buyToken and confirmthe transactionMake PaymentReceive TokenConsumerConsumerConsumerRelease the tokenafter the confirmationTransaction completeDeposit PUNDIXOnce approved,Escrow the TokenUnlocked tokensProof of StakeThe services provided by Pundi X are paidthrough PUNDIX.All transaction details will be stored in Blockchain

White paper

View the white paper to learn more details.

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